big kid bed

Simple Tips for Transitioning to a Big Kid Bed

Five simple tips to help transition your toddler from a crib to a big kid bed

We have been talking with Wesleigh about her big girl bed for quite some time now. She is nearly 3 years old and although she’s tried to climb out of her crib only once, it became evident she was ready and eager for her big kid bed.

Though Wesleigh was ready for the major milestone, as her mama, I was not. Like most parents, my brain immediately jumped to all the ‘what ifs’ that could happen.  To help ease my anxiety and best prepare myself, I read articles and surveyed some friends for their top tips to ensure a smooth and positive transition from crib to toddler bed.

The timing is different for every child. But, most little ones typically make the switch any time between 18 months and 3.5 years old. If your babe is expressing he’s ready for a toddler bed or boldly climbing out of his crib, it’s probably time.

Five simple tips to help transition your toddler

from a crib to a big kid bed

Time It Accordingly

Don’t rush it! Unless absolutely necessary, keep your sweet babe in the crib. Unless there’s a safety issue with your little one trying to escape, you will both be happier in the crib. We kept our son in his crib until he was nearly four and it was glorious. Once we finally did transition him, everyone was ready, and he understood the expectations and responsibilities of a big boy bed. – Allison, Purple Mountain Mama

Talk to your child beforehand and set a certain date when the transition will happen. For example: “In two weeks is your birthday and you will turn 2. You are a big boy now and will sleep in your new bed from then on”. That has helped my toddler enormously and he was excited to start sleeping in his new “big kid bed”. – Tabea, My Mommy Heart

Make the switch when there are no other major changes going on in your child’s life. For instance, are you expecting another baby? Are you potty training?

Prepping for a big change in your toddler’s life can seem so daunting, as we all know kids thrive on routines. For us, NYC living meant our 2.5 year old would eventually be sharing a room with baby number two. Since we didn’t want to throw too much change at her at once, we converted her crib to a toddler bed before introducing the baby into her room. While she still seemed fine in her crib, and wasn’t trying to climb out or anything, we wanted to give the transition the attention it deserved which would have been hard with a sleeping baby in the room.

She independently enjoyed her new space to hang during the day and we let her put herself to bed at night, which she found so fun and empowering; all while not having to worry about whispering around her sister and doing it all in the dark just yet. Now, a year and a half later, she has never left her bed outside of wake times, and she loves sharing with her little sis! – Ashley, Mom Uptown

I suggest you transition to a big kid bed when you and your child are both ready. There are some who give a particular age, but every child is different. When you both are ready, prepare together. Let your child pick out new blankets and sheets, or anything else. Do as much as you can to talk about it beforehand and build excitement for your child. Preparation is key to a successful transition! – Kate, Kateable

Consider The Bed

Before ditching the crib, consider what type of bed you’ll be moving your babe into. Are you converting your crib to a toddler bed or getting a new bed?

Go straight to a proper single bed rather than a big kid bed. Apart from getting long term use, it is great to be able to lie in bed with your child to give them cuddles and settle them. – Carly, My Green Toddler

toddler bed transitioning tips

Evaluate Childproofing

Reevaluate the safety of your house. What rooms can your child access if they get out of bed at night? Are there bookshelves and stairs to consider? Make sure you still have safety gates at your stairs and latches on dresser drawers. You could also think about a monitor or attach bells to the door to alert you should your child leave their room.

When switching your child from a crib to a toddler bed, you should expect that they might fall out and plan accordingly. Shop for a bed that is low to the ground and has side rails attached. We purchased a car bed for our son which has worked great over the last few years. The “windows” keep him from falling out even though he moves around a lot. I love that we were able to use it with his crib mattress when he was small and later transition to a twin mattress when he got bigger. Alice, Mommy to Mom

Let Them Help With The Move

Have your kiddo help build the bed! I believe this was the #1 thing that helped provide a smooth transition for us. We spent an afternoon putting it together and having him assist by holding the boards and using the screwdriver. He was so proud and was talking about it for weeks. The transition was seamless! – Kate, Adventure Oyster

Make sure to involve your toddler when choosing the bed, bed sheets, comforter, pillow, placement of bed in room. If they are excited easier transition! – Regina, Mommy Four Life

For our independent toddler, the best thing we did was get her deeply involved in the “decision” of moving to the big kid bed. We had her pick out new sheets, pillows, and even what tools we would need to assemble her new bed. She felt she was making the move herself and she was fully committed! – Katelyn, Freshly Brewed Mama

Establish A Routine and Stick to it

The transition may not be seamless. Since your child now has the freedom to get in and out of bed on their own, it may take a few nights to adjust. After the first week Wesleigh slept in her converted crib, she woke up two out of seven nights and greeted me by my bedside.

Every time your child gets out the bed and leaves the room you quietly and calmly put her back in her bed, no conversation just “goodnight love you “. No matter how many times it takes, he or she will know if they get up, they will be put back to bed. After one night of doing this she goes to bed every night no problems! – Amanda, The Mama Life

When did you transition your child from a crib to a big kid bed? Do you have a most effective tip?

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  1. Reply


    April 26, 2021

    Great tips! We are currently in the middle of transitioning our girl into her big bed. The nights have been very long the past week or two. I am going to try some of these ideas tonight! Thanks ?

    • Reply

      Lindsey Harrison

      April 26, 2021

      I hope it helps! If you come up with any other tips, please share them.

  2. Reply


    April 26, 2021

    Very nicely you have explained this transition phase, quite helpful for parents. And your pic are so beautiful too.

  3. Reply


    April 26, 2021

    This is really going to be a handy resource for our future transition from crib to bed. With my son it was smooth with no issues but I can see my daughter already being a little different and we will be prepared for that.

  4. Reply


    September 27, 2021

    These are great tips! We just recently transitioned my son too and found that it was easier when we made it really exciting. We hyped up his new big boy dinosaur bedding and got him a set that was super cozy. He was excited about his new stuff, so it only took a day or two before he was excited to sleep in his new bed and stayed there.

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