Friday Five | 09.18.2020

This week I binge watched Get Organized with The Home Edit, a new series on Netflix. It’s essentially a makeover show centered around Joanna and Clea, founders of The Home Edit (an organizational company that focuses on smart solutions that are aesthetically pleasing) who come into a residence or school classroom and reorganize the space with their signature ROYGBV rainbow aesthetic. Half the episode is dedicated to mostly celebrities, like Reese Witherspoon who needs help organizing outfits she wore in blockbuster movies or Khloe Kardashian who asks for help organizing her garage while the other half of the show, the part the majority of people can identify with, focuses on everyday families and their untidy spaces. 

I mentioned previously how much I love organizing and keeping a tidy home, I swear that a clear home equals a clear mind, but nevertheless, with a toddler, a pup and a husband running around, it is hard to keep up some days.


If you’re feeling inspired and looking for a few simple ways to clear the clutter in your space, five key takeaways, some of which I have already implemented and can attest to include:


1.     Edit. Thoughtfully go through your items and part with pieces that can be donated or sold. Don’t hold onto items that no longer serve a purpose and are taking up room. Create piles or grab a few containers and sort your belongings into keep, sell, donate or discard.

2.     Once you’ve sorted out the items you are no longer keeping, categorize what remains. Zone your space for ultimate functionality, identify physical allotments of space for like items. 

3.     Contain your items. Keep like items together in boxes to maximize surface area in a space. You may have seen on my Reels, I’m a fan of acrylic containers so you can quickly see what items reside inside, even if the bin is not labelled. This also allows you to hold yourself accountable, items are no longer out of site out of mind. That being said, I would suggest instead using sentimental boxes for important documents.

4.     When organizing a closet, don’t use mismatched hangers, choose proper hangers to give a streamlined look that is not distracting to finding your clothes. Pro tip: use velvet hangers which prevent delicate garments from sliding off. 

5.     Organize in color ROYGBV. I keep my medicine cabinet and clothes sorted by season/color, it’s a simple way to keep things in place and a rule that applies to all ages. It’s especially helpful for supporting kids’ independence, it’s easy for children to put books back where they belong when back in their rightful place, books lined on a shelf look like a rainbow.

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